Born and raised in the not-so-wilds of Columbus, Ohio, I have led a life fraught with relatively little danger, no alien abductions, no long-lost great uncles bestowing fortunes upon me in their wills, no mysterious portals to magical lands, and so far not a single demon possession (so far as I can tell, though at times I have had my suspicions). While it hasn't been the most exciting life, it has left me time to write, and a strong desire to engage in flights of fancy.
I grew up surrounded by books, and spent what some might consider far too much time lost in their worlds. After a number of attempts to be various things, I finally settled on careers involving the written word. I now split my time between editing (just about anything and everything) and writing (mostly middle grade and young adult novels, particularly fantasy and science fiction).
As you can see, my site is still a bit bare on the writing side, a sad condition that I am working on fixing as quickly as possible. In the mean time, feel free to see what I've been up to on Twitter, or by all means check out my editing services (my bank account will thank you). Thank you for stopping by, and feel free to reach out to me on my contact page.